Business Owners

Owning your own business is a dream for many. But managing your own business takes a lot more than hard work. You need a financial plan — one that addresses financial needs and products for every stage of your business life cycle and that takes into account your personal financial goals and dreams.

Managing taxes

As your goals and financial situation change, there may be new opportunities to reduce your taxable income.  Although we are not tax professionals, we have relationships with tax firms that will help you with your specific needs.

Retirement plans and other employee benefits

The right retirement plan can provide tax benefits and help you attract and keep high-quality employees.

Business valuation

Your business is important to you, but do you know how much it’s really worth?

When you have a clear picture of your business’s value and integrate it with your personal financial situation – you’ll have the comprehensive view you need to plan for a successful future.

Business succession planning

How will you transfer your business when it’s time to move on?  We`ll help you plan for a smooth transition.

Business protection

Protecting your business means being prepared for unexpected situations. Together, we’ll create a plan to help guard against financial losses resulting from employee departures, disabilities or other disruptions.

Business Owners

80% of our clients either are, or wanting to become business owners.  They realize that the financial landscape changes tremendously... especially when they are not involved in its day-to-day operation.   Let us help you along your journey. 

Income Shifting

Over 95% of our clients realize a substantial increase in take home pay using one of our cash flow systems.  Creating passive income, eliminating debt, and minimizing taxes are just a few of the strategies you'll learn through our firm.    

At The EWS Financial Group, We Put the Client First

Our goal is to make provide you with the professional service that you deserve. 

We believe that by putting our clients first, explaining complex financial topics in easy to understand language, and helping those in need, we can achieve that goal.

Having been involved in the financial services area for over 30 years, we credit much or our success to being able to satisfy our client's needs for products underwritten by financial strong, reputable companies.  But more importantly, our success is due to providing personalized service to our clients with promptness, honesty, and by returning telephone calls within 24 hours. 


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